November 26, 2008

Nenden Lilis Poems

From the Lost Centuries

On midnight, you soaked wet in rain
After that long journey
“Please go home!” the wind moans inside your heart

You stood like a statue in front of the house
That you abandoned
A house with no more dwellers
In quietness, the sound of a house-lizard is bursted out
In the dark, you hear the sound of water
Dropped through the leaky roof

“Come in!” a magical voice sounded
emerged from the lost centuries

your feet trembled, took a step toward inner floors
the cold moist walls
spreading unpleasant odor
with the rest of the lights within your eyes
you observed the loneliness inside the room
“this house is empty, definitely empty!”

and then you wept.


translated by Nikmah Sarjono

Dari Abad-abad yang Hilang

tengah malam kau kuyup dalam hujan
setelah perjalanan jauh itu
"pulanglah!" angin merintih di hatimu

kau mematung di ambang rumah yang kautinggalkan
dan lama tak berpenghuni
dalam sunyi, pecah suara cecak
dalam gelap, kaudengar tetes air
jatuh dari seng yang bolong

"masuklah!" sebuah suara terasa gaib
datang dari abad-abad yang hilang

kakimu gemetar menginjak lantai dalam
dinding-dinding dingin dan sembab
merupai juga bau lembab

dengan sisa cahaya dalam matamu
kau menyimak sepi dalam ruangan
"rumah ini memang kosong, memang kosong!"

dan kau menangis


Poem of a House

This house becomes narrower
Inside it we both got buried
Not be able to help each other

This room smelled mengkudu
While fingernails still be blue

Face becomes haggard
Chest becomes thinner
Mouth becomes pale
Persistently coughing
For a long time has forgotten how to sing

The owner of this house came
Not to visit
But to evict

2001- 2002

translated by Nikmah Sarjono

Sajak Rumah

rumah ini semakin sempit
di dalamnya kita sama-sama terpuruk
dan tak bisa saling menolong

ruang bau mengkudu
sedang kuku tetap membiru

wajah kian tirus
dada kian tipis
mulut lesi
selalu terbatuk
sekian lama lupa bersenandung

si tua pemilik rumah datang
tidak untuk menjenguk
tapi mengusir


House of Memory

A homeless person could never go home anywhere
Except to memories beneath the guava tree
To old mother and father who sit speechlessly in a
Dusty room

She still feels she belonged to that dull cupboard
Although its key hole is stuck, its door can not
Be closed, its mirror reflects tapering shadows

Traces of soil on a hoe and a shirt full of mud
Hanged in the kitchen is also like
The rest of her heart
Although something is difficult to grow
Like the apple tree in the backyard
Its leaves withered, got eaten by caterpillars
Or the pomegranate tree, its fruits cracked
Before they got ripe

But a homeless person still wants to stay
Although she doesn’t know, are there still yearnings,
Is someone still waiting?

She just knew
Life is actually being alone

translated by Nikmah Sarjono

Rumah Kenangan

seorang tanpa rumah tak bisa pulang kemana-mana
kecuali pada kenangan di pohon jambu klutuk
pada ibu-bapak renta yang terpekur di kamar berdebu

lemari kusam itu masih dirasa miliknya
meski lubang kuncinya macet, pintunya tak bisa
menutup, cerminnya memantulkan bayangan lonjong

bekas tanah di cangkul dan baju berlumpur
yang menggantung di bilik dapur juga
seperti sisa hatinya
meski selalu ada yang terasa sulit tumbuh
seperti pohon apel di kebun belakang
daunnya rangkas dimakan ulat
atau pohon delima, buahnya belah sebelum masak

tapi seorang tanpa rumah masih ingin tinggal
meski tak tahu, masih adakah yang rindu,
masihkah ada yang menunggu?

ia hanya tahua
hidup sesungguhnya sendiri