August 08, 2008

Dorothea Rosa Herliany (3)

An Obsession in Black and White

i am trapped by the rain singing
among the tall grass: so is the moon
as it rises over my shining sorrow.

the hills and rivers of the heart
depict his fear.
the mist encircles him
through the waves of screaming insects
in the distant forest.

a drop of black sky comforts me
among the flying leaves, geese and
a pair of cranes search for the tranquillity
which floods shabby grief
in a spark of red light.

the sun turns to mist in the damp moon
hanging over the heart's emptiness.
how can we ever reunite
everything which has been torn apart?

i can read nothing
in the old thoughts which search
for all that has vanished, except the fear
arising from someone somewhere, "My beloved,
the night trembles with the screams
of strange wild beasts!"

March 1997 - January 1998

Obsesi Hitam Putih

aku terperangkap lagu hujan
di antara ilalang: bulan yang itu juga
mendaki dukaku yang purnama.

lerenglereng dan tebing hatitua
melukiskan ketakutan.
kabut melingkar
dalam gelombang jerit serangga
di hutan jauh.

setetes langit hitam menghiburku
di antara daundaun terbang. angsa dan
sekawanan bangau mencari keteduhan
yang menggenang duka-renta dalam sepercik
cahaya merah.

matahari mengabut dalam genangan bulan
menggantung di kekosongan kalbu.
di manakah bertemu antara segala
yang terpisahkan?

tak ada yang bisa kubaca
dari pikiran tua yang mencari segala
yang tibatiba hilang. selain ketakutan.
lalu bisikan dari entah siapa-apa, "Kekasih,
malam itu getar lolong hewanhewan liar!"

Maret 1997-Januari 1998